Pen actions

A representation of a pen stylus kind of pointer input for interacting with a web page.

Chromium Only

A Pen is a type of pointer input that has most of the same behavior as a mouse, but can also have event properties unique to a stylus. Additionally, while a mouse has 5 buttons, a pen has 3 equivalent button states:

  • 0 — Touch Contact (the default; equivalent to a left click)
  • 2 — Barrel Button (equivalent to a right click)
  • 5 — Eraser Button (currently unsupported by drivers)

Using a Pen

Selenium v4.2

        WebElement pointerArea = driver.findElement("pointerArea"));
        new Actions(driver)
                .setActivePointer(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
                .moveByOffset(2, 2)

Selenium v4.2

    pointer_area = driver.find_element(By.ID, "pointerArea")
    pen_input = PointerInput(POINTER_PEN, "default pen")
    action = ActionBuilder(driver, mouse=pen_input)
        .move_by(2, 2)\
            IWebElement pointerArea = driver.FindElement(By.Id("pointerArea"));
            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice pen = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Pen, "default pen");
            actionBuilder.AddAction(pen.CreatePointerMove(pointerArea, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800)));
                2, 2, TimeSpan.Zero));

Selenium v4.2

    pointer_area = driver.find_element(id: 'pointerArea')
    driver.action(devices: :pen)
          .move_by(2, 2)
        val pointerArea = driver.findElement("pointerArea"))
                .setActivePointer(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
                .moveByOffset(2, 2)

Adding Pointer Event Attributes

Selenium v4.2

        WebElement pointerArea = driver.findElement("pointerArea"));
        PointerInput pen = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen");
        PointerInput.PointerEventProperties eventProperties = PointerInput.eventProperties()
        PointerInput.Origin origin = PointerInput.Origin.fromElement(pointerArea);

        Sequence actionListPen = new Sequence(pen, 0)
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 0, 0))
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 2, 2, eventProperties))

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actionListPen));
    pointer_area = driver.find_element(By.ID, "pointerArea")
    pen_input = PointerInput(POINTER_PEN, "default pen")
    action = ActionBuilder(driver, mouse=pen_input)
        .move_by(2, 2, tilt_x=-72, tilt_y=9, twist=86)\
            IWebElement pointerArea = driver.FindElement(By.Id("pointerArea"));
            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice pen = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Pen, "default pen");
            PointerInputDevice.PointerEventProperties properties = new PointerInputDevice.PointerEventProperties() {
                TiltX = -72,
                TiltY = 9,
                Twist = 86,
            actionBuilder.AddAction(pen.CreatePointerMove(pointerArea, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800)));
                2, 2, TimeSpan.Zero, properties));
    pointer_area = driver.find_element(id: 'pointerArea')
    driver.action(devices: :pen)
          .move_by(2, 2, tilt_x: -72, tilt_y: 9, twist: 86)
        val pointerArea = driver.findElement("pointerArea"))
        val pen = PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
        val eventProperties = PointerInput.eventProperties()
        val origin = PointerInput.Origin.fromElement(pointerArea)
        val actionListPen = Sequence(pen, 0)
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 0, 0))
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 2, 2, eventProperties))

        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).perform(listOf(actionListPen))
最終更新 November 17, 2023: Upgrade to Docsy 0 7 2 (#1529) (48f4361690)