Firefox 固有のCapability

Mozilla Firefox ブラウザーに固有のCapabilityです。

Selenium 4 には Firefox 78 以降が必要です。 常に最新バージョンの geckodriver を使用することをお勧めします。



Firefox に固有のCapabilityは、Mozilla のページの firefoxOptions にあります。

基本的な定義済みのオプションを使用して Firefox セッションを開始すると、以下のようになります。

        Assertions.assertEquals("Content injected by webextensions-selenium-example", injected.getText());
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
      let options = new firefox.Options();
      driver = await env.builder()



args パラメータは、ブラウザの起動時に使用するコマンドラインスイッチのリストです。 一般的に使用される引数には、 -headless"-profile""/path/to/profile" が含まれます。


         public void UnInstallAddon()
    driver.get ''
    let driver = await env.builder()


binary パラメーターは、使用するブラウザーの別のロケーションのパスを取ります。 たとえば、このパラメーターを使用すると、geckodriver を使用して、製品版とFirefox Nightlyの両方がコンピューターに存在する場合、 製品版の代わりに Firefox Nightly を駆動できます 。


        driver.installExtension(path, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(driver.FindElements(By.Id("webextensions-selenium-example")).Count, 0);



FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
firefox_profile = FirefoxProfile()
firefox_profile.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False)
options.profile = firefox_profile
var options = new FirefoxOptions();
var profile = new FirefoxProfile();
options.Profile = profile;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');

const options = new firefox.Options();
let profile = '/path to custom profile';
const driver = new Builder()
val options = FirefoxOptions()
options.profile = FirefoxProfile()
driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging various issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

        System.setOut(new PrintStream(getLogLocation()));

Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

Selenium v4.10

        @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, service: service

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.10

      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, service: service

Log level

There are 7 available log levels: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace. If logging is specified the level defaults to info.

Note that -v is equivalent to -log debug and -vv is equivalent to log trace, so this examples is just for setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.10

    public void stopsTruncatingLogs() throws IOException {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of FirefoxDriverLogLevel enum

Truncated Logs

The driver logs everything that gets sent to it, including string representations of large binaries, so Firefox truncates lines by default. To turn off truncation:

Selenium v4.10

    public void setProfileLocation() throws IOException {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_NO_TRUNCATE
Property value: "true" or "false"

Profile Root

The default directory for profiles is the system temporary directory. If you do not have access to that directory, or want profiles to be created some place specific, you can change the profile root directory:

Selenium v4.10

    public void installAddon() {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_PROFILE_ROOT
Property value: String representing path to profile root directory

Special Features



Unlike Chrome, Firefox extensions are not added as part of capabilities as mentioned in this issue, they are created after starting the driver.

The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.


Mozilla Add-Onsページ から取得する署名付きxpiファイル

    const xpiPath = path.resolve('./test/resources/extensions/selenium-example.xpi')
    let driver = await env.builder().build();
    let id = await driver.installAddon(xpiPath);


アドオンをアンインストールするには、そのIDを知る必要があります。 IDはアドオンインストール時の戻り値から取得できます。


未完成または未公開の拡張機能を使用する場合、署名されていない可能性があります。 そのため、“一時的なもの” としてのみインストールできます。 これは、zipファイルまたはディレクトリを渡すことで実行できます。ディレクトリの例を次に示します。

    const xpiPath = path.resolve('./test/resources/extensions/selenium-example')
    let driver = await env.builder().build();
    let id = await driver.installAddon(xpiPath, true);


The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.


The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.