Driver Service Class

The Service classes are for managing the starting and stopping of drivers. They can not be used with a Remote WebDriver session.

Service classes allow you to specify information about the driver, like location and which port to use. They also let you specify what arguments get passed to the command line. Most of the useful arguments are related to logging.

Default Service instance

To start a driver with a default service instance:

import org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService;

Selenium v4.11

from import Service as ChromeService
        public void BasicService()

Driver location

Note: If you are using Selenium 4.6 or greater, you shouldn’t need to set a driver location. If you can not update Selenium or have an advanced use case here is how to specify the driver location:

Driver port

If you want the driver to run on a specific port, you may specify it as follows:


Logging functionality varies between browsers. Most browsers allow you to specify location and level of logs. Take a look at the respective browser page: