这是本节的多页打印视图。 点击此处打印.




1 - Chrome 特定功能

特定于 Google Chrome 浏览器的功能和特性.

默认情况下,Selenium 4与Chrome v75及更高版本兼容. 但是请注意Chrome浏览器的版本与chromedriver的主版本需要匹配.


所有浏览器的通用功能请看这 Options page.

Chrome浏览器的特有功能可以在谷歌的页面找到: Capabilities & ChromeOptions


      driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options
      const Options = new Chrome.Options();
      let driver = await env



args 参数用于启动浏览器时要使用的命令行开关列表. 有两个很好的资源可以用于研究这些参数:

常用的参数包括 --start-maximized, --headless=new 以及 --user-data-dir=...


      let driver = await env


binary 参数接收一个使用浏览器的备用路径,通过这个参数你可以使用chromedriver 去驱动各种基于Chromium 内核的浏览器.


def exclude_switches():
      let driver = await env
        .setChromeOptions(options.setChromeBinaryPath(`Path to chrome binary`))


extensions 参数接受crx文件. 至于解压的目录, 请使用 load-extension 参数代替, 正如 这篇文章 所示.



detach 参数设置为true将在驱动过程结束后保持浏览器的打开状态.


Note: This is already the default behavior in Java.

Note: This is already the default behavior in .NET.

      let driver = await env


Chrome 添加了各种参数,如果你不希望添加某些参数,可以将其传入 excludeSwitches. 一个常见的例子是重新打开弹出窗口阻止程序. 默认参数的完整列表可以参考 Chromium 源码


            driver = new ChromeDriver(service);
      let driver = await env


创建默认 Service 对象的示例, 以及用于设置驱动程序位置和端口 可以参考 驱动服务 页面.


获取驱动程序日志有助于调试问题. 使用 Service 类, 可以指明日志的路径. 除非用户将其定向到某个位置, 否则将忽略日志记录输出.



        ChromeDriverService service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder()

注意: Java 还允许通过系统属性设置文件输出:
属性值: 表示日志文件路径的字符串

Selenium v4.11

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

Selenium v4.10

      expect(File.readlines(file_name).grep(/\[DEBUG\]:/).any?).to eq true



Selenium v4.10


注意: Java 还允许通过系统属性设置控制台输出;
属性值: DriverService.LOG_STDOUTDriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.11

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

$stdout and $stderr are both valid values

Selenium v4.10


共有六种日志级别: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, 以及 OFF. 注意 --verbose 等效于 --log-level=ALL 以及 --silent 等效于 --log-level=OFF, 因此, 此示例只是通用地设置日志级别:

Selenium v4.8

    private File getLogLocation() throws IOException {

注意: Java 还允许通过系统属性设置日志级别:
属性值: ChromiumDriverLogLevel 枚举的字面值

Selenium v4.11

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

Selenium v4.10

      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, service: service


有 2 个功能仅在写入文件时可用:

  • 追加日志
  • 可读时间戳

要使用它们, 您还需要显式指定日志路径和日志级别. 日志输出将由驱动程序管理, 而不是由进程管理, 因此可能会看到细微的差异.

Selenium v4.8

注意: Java 还允许通过系统属性切换这些功能:
属性值: "true""false"


Chromedriver 和 Chrome 浏览器版本应该匹配, 如果它们不匹配, 驱动程序将出错. 如果您停用构建检查功能, 则可以强制将驱动程序与任何版本的 Chrome 一起使用. 请注意, 这是一项不受支持的功能, 并且不会调查 bug.

Selenium v4.8

注意: Java 还允许通过系统属性禁用构建检查:
属性值: "true""false"



你可以驱动 Chrome Cast 设备,包括共享选项卡



以下示例适用于本地 webdrivers. 针对远程 webdrivers, 请参考 Remote WebDriver 页面.




详见 Chrome DevTools 部分以获取有关使用Chrome DevTools的更多信息

2 - Edge 特定功能


微软Edge是用Chromium实现的,最早支持版本是v79. 与Chrome类似, Edge驱动的主版本号必须与Edge浏览器的主要版本匹配.

Chrome 页面 上找到的所有capabilities和选项也适用于Edge.


Capabilities common to all browsers are described on the Options page.

Capabilities unique to Chromium are documented at Google’s page for Capabilities & ChromeOptions

使用基本定义的选项启动 Edge 会话如下所示:

    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :edge, options: options
      let options = new edge.Options();
      driver = await env.builder()
        .setEdgeService(new edge.ServiceBuilder(edgedriver.binPath()))


The args parameter is for a list of command line switches to be used when starting the browser. There are two excellent resources for investigating these arguments:

Commonly used args include --start-maximized and --headless=new and --user-data-dir=...

Add an argument to options:

Start browser in a specified location

The binary parameter takes the path of an alternate location of browser to use. With this parameter you can use chromedriver to drive various Chromium based browsers.

Add a browser location to options:

Add extensions

The extensions parameter accepts crx files. As for unpacked directories, please use the load-extension argument instead, as mentioned in this post.

Add an extension to options:

Keeping browser open

Setting the detach parameter to true will keep the browser open after the process has ended, so long as the quit command is not sent to the driver.

Note: This is already the default behavior in Java.

Note: This is already the default behavior in .NET.

Excluding arguments

MSEdgedriver has several default arguments it uses to start the browser. If you do not want those arguments added, pass them into excludeSwitches. A common example is to turn the popup blocker back on. A full list of default arguments can be parsed from the Chromium Source Code

Set excluded arguments on options:


Examples for creating a default Service object, and for setting driver location and port can be found on the Driver Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

    driver = webdriver.Edge(service=service)

Selenium v4.10

      expect(File.readlines(file_name).grep(/\[DEBUG\]:/).any?).to eq true

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console as STDOUT:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.11

    driver = webdriver.Edge(service=service)

$stdout and $stderr are both valid values

Selenium v4.10

Log level

There are 6 available log levels: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, and OFF. Note that --verbose is equivalent to --log-level=ALL and --silent is equivalent to --log-level=OFF, so this example is just setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.8


Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of ChromiumDriverLogLevel enum

    driver = webdriver.Edge(service=service)

Selenium v4.10

      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :edge, service: service

Log file features

There are 2 features that are only available when logging to a file:

  • append log
  • readable timestamps

To use them, you need to also explicitly specify the log path and log level. The log output will be managed by the driver, not the process, so minor differences may be seen.

Selenium v4.8

Note: Java also allows toggling these features by System Property:
Property value: "true" or "false"

Disabling build check

Edge browser and msedgedriver versions should match, and if they don’t the driver will error. If you disable the build check, you can force the driver to be used with any version of Edge. Note that this is an unsupported feature, and bugs will not be investigated.

Selenium v4.8

Note: Java also allows disabling build checks by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_DISABLE_BUILD_CHECK
Property value: "true" or "false"

Internet Explorer 兼容模式

微软Edge可以被"Internet Explorer兼容模式"驱动, 该模式使用Internet Explorer驱动类与微软Edge结合使用. 阅读 Internet Explorer 页面 了解更多详情.

Special Features

Some browsers have implemented additional features that are unique to them.


You can drive Chrome Cast devices with Edge, including sharing tabs

Network conditions

You can simulate various network conditions.




See the [Chrome DevTools] section for more information about using DevTools in Edge

3 - Firefox specific functionality

These are capabilities and features specific to Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Selenium 4 requires Firefox 78 or greater. It is recommended to always use the latest version of geckodriver.


Capabilities common to all browsers are described on the Options page.

Capabilities unique to Firefox can be found at Mozilla’s page for firefoxOptions

Starting a Firefox session with basic defined options looks like this:

        Assertions.assertEquals("Content injected by webextensions-selenium-example", injected.getText());
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
      let options = new firefox.Options();
      driver = await env.builder()

Here are a few common use cases with different capabilities:


The args parameter is for a list of Command line switches used when starting the browser.
Commonly used args include -headless and "-profile", "/path/to/profile"

Add an argument to options:

         public void UnInstallAddon()
    driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank.html'
    let driver = await env.builder()

Start browser in a specified location

The binary parameter takes the path of an alternate location of browser to use. For example, with this parameter you can use geckodriver to drive Firefox Nightly instead of the production version when both are present on your computer.

Add a browser location to options:

        driver.installExtension(path, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(driver.FindElements(By.Id("webextensions-selenium-example")).Count, 0);


There are several ways to work with Firefox profiles

var options = new FirefoxOptions();
var profile = new FirefoxProfile();
options.Profile = profile;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');

const options = new firefox.Options();
let profile = '/path to custom profile';
const driver = new Builder()
val options = FirefoxOptions()
options.profile = FirefoxProfile()
driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging various issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

        System.setOut(new PrintStream(getLogLocation()));

Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

Selenium v4.10

        @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, service: service

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.10

      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, service: service

Log level

There are 7 available log levels: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace. If logging is specified the level defaults to info.

Note that -v is equivalent to -log debug and -vv is equivalent to log trace, so this examples is just for setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.10

    public void stopsTruncatingLogs() throws IOException {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of FirefoxDriverLogLevel enum

Truncated Logs

The driver logs everything that gets sent to it, including string representations of large binaries, so Firefox truncates lines by default. To turn off truncation:

Selenium v4.10

    public void setProfileLocation() throws IOException {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_NO_TRUNCATE
Property value: "true" or "false"

Profile Root

The default directory for profiles is the system temporary directory. If you do not have access to that directory, or want profiles to be created some place specific, you can change the profile root directory:

Selenium v4.10

    public void installAddon() {

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_PROFILE_ROOT
Property value: String representing path to profile root directory

Special Features


Unlike Chrome, Firefox extensions are not added as part of capabilities as mentioned in this issue, they are created after starting the driver.

The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.


A signed xpi file you would get from Mozilla Addon page


Uninstalling an addon requires knowing its id. The id can be obtained from the return value when installing the add-on.

Unsigned installation

When working with an unfinished or unpublished extension, it will likely not be signed. As such, it can only be installed as “temporary.” This can be done by passing in either a zip file or a directory, here’s an example with a directory:

Full page screenshots

The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.


The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.

4 - IE specific functionality

These are capabilities and features specific to Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers.

As of June 2022, Selenium officially no longer supports standalone Internet Explorer. The Internet Explorer driver still supports running Microsoft Edge in “IE Compatibility Mode.”

Special considerations

The IE Driver is the only driver maintained by the Selenium Project directly. While binaries for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer are available, there are some known limitations with the 64-bit driver. As such it is recommended to use the 32-bit driver.

Additional information about using Internet Explorer can be found on the IE Driver Server page


Starting a Microsoft Edge browser in Internet Explorer Compatibility mode with basic defined options looks like this:

As of Internet Explorer Driver v4.5.0:

  • If IE is not present on the system (default in Windows 11), you do not need to use the two parameters above. IE Driver will use Edge and will automatically locate it.
  • If IE and Edge are both present on the system, you only need to set attaching to Edge, IE Driver will automatically locate Edge on your system.

So, if IE is not on the system, you only need:

let driver = await new Builder()
.forBrowser('internet explorer')
<p><a href=/documentation/about/contributing/#moving-examples>
<span class="selenium-badge-code" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="right"
      title="One or more of these examples need to be implemented in the examples directory; click for details in the contribution guide">Move Code</span></a></p>

val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)

Here are a few common use cases with different capabilities:


在某些环境中, 当打开文件上传对话框时, Internet Explorer可能会超时. IEDriver的默认超时为1000毫秒, 但您可以使用fileUploadDialogTimeout功能来增加超时时间.

InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options); 
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.FileUploadDialogTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().fileUploadDialogTimeout(2000);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


设置为 true时, 此功能将清除InternetExplorer所有正在运行实例的 缓存, 浏览器历史记录和Cookies (包括手动启动或由驱动程序启动的实例) . 默认情况下,此设置为 false.

使用此功能将导致启动浏览器时性能下降, 因为驱动程序将等待直到缓存清除后再启动IE浏览器.


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.EnsureCleanSession = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().ensureCleanSession(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


InternetExplorer驱动程序期望浏览器的缩放级别为100%, 否则驱动程序将可能抛出异常. 通过将 ignoreZoomSetting 设置为 true, 可以禁用此默认行为.


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IgnoreZoomLevel = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().ignoreZoomSetting(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


启动新的IE会话时是否跳过 保护模式 检查.

如果未设置, 并且所有区域的 保护模式 设置都不同, 则驱动程序将可能引发异常.

如果将功能设置为 true, 则测试可能会变得不稳定, 无响应, 或者浏览器可能会挂起. 但是, 到目前为止, 这仍然是第二好的选择, 并且第一选择应该 始终 是手动实际设置每个区域的保护模式设置. 如果用户正在使用此属性, 则只会给予 “尽力而为” 的支持.


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().introduceFlakinessByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


设置为 true时, 此功能将禁止IEDriverServer的诊断输出.


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.setCapability("silent", true);
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.AddAdditionalInternetExplorerOption("silent", true);
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
const {Builder,By, Capabilities} = require('selenium-webdriver');
let caps = Capabilities.ie();
caps.set('silent', true);

(async function example() {
    let driver = await new Builder()
        .forBrowser('internet explorer')
    try {
        await driver.get('http://www.google.com/ncr');
    finally {
        await driver.quit();
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    options.setCapability("silent", true)
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {

IE 命令行选项

Internet Explorer包含几个命令行选项, 使您可以进行故障排除和配置浏览器.


  • -private : 用于在私有浏览模式下启动IE. 这适用于IE 8和更高版本.

  • -k : 在kiosk模式下启动Internet Explorer. 浏览器在一个最大化的窗口中打开, 该窗口不显示地址栏, 导航按钮或状态栏.

  • -extoff : 在无附加模式下启动IE. 此选项专门用于解决浏览器加载项问题. 在IE 7和更高版本中均可使用.

注意: forceCreateProcessApi 应该启用命令行参数才能正常工作.

import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions;

public class ieTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
        try {
            Capabilities caps = driver.getCapabilities();
        } finally {
using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;

namespace ieTest {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
   options.ForceCreateProcessApi = true;
   options.BrowserCommandLineArguments = "-k";
   IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
   driver.Url = "https://google.com/ncr";
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options();

driver = await env.builder()
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {


强制使用CreateProcess API启动Internet Explorer. 默认值为false.

对于IE 8及更高版本, 此选项要求将 “TabProcGrowth” 注册表值设置为0.

import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions;

public class ieTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
        try {
            Capabilities caps = driver.getCapabilities();
        } finally {
using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;

namespace ieTest {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
   options.ForceCreateProcessApi = true;
   IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
   driver.Url = "https://google.com/ncr";
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options();

driver = await env.builder()
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {


Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging various issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGFILE_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console as STDOUT:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGFILE_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Log Level

There are 6 available log levels: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE If logging output is specified, the default level is FATAL


Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of InternetExplorerDriverLogLevel.DEBUG.toString() enum

            service.LoggingLevel = InternetExplorerDriverLogLevel.Warn;

Supporting Files Path

**Note**: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:\ Property key: `InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_EXTRACT_PATH_PROPERTY`\ Property value: String representing path to supporting files directory
            service.LibraryExtractionPath = GetTempDirectory();

5 - Safari 特定功能

这些是特定于Apple Safari浏览器的功能和特性.

与Chromium和Firefox驱动不同, safari驱动随操作系统安装. 要在 Safari 上启用自动化, 请从终端运行以下命令:

safaridriver --enable



Safari独有的Capabilities可以在Apple的页面关于Safari的WebDriver 上找到

使用基本定义的选项启动 Safari 会话如下所示:

def test_basic_options():
    options = SafariOptions()
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :safari, options: options
  describe('Should be able to Test Command line arguments', function () {
    (process.platform === 'darwin' ? it : it.skip)('headless', async function () {
      let driver = await env.builder()
val options = SafariOptions()
val driver = SafariDriver(options)


那些希望在iOS上自动化Safari的人可以参考 Appium 项目.


所有浏览器通用的服务设置在 服务页面.


与其他浏览器不同, Safari 浏览器不允许您选择日志的输出位置或更改级别. 一个可用选项是关闭或打开日志. 如果日志处于打开状态, 则可以在以下位置找到它们: ~/Library/Logs/com.apple.WebDriver/.

Selenium v4.10


注意: Java也允许使用环境变量进行设置;
属性键: SafariDriverService.SAFARI_DRIVER_LOGGING
属性值: "true""false"

Selenium v4.26

    service = webdriver.safari.service.Service(service_args=["--diagnose"])

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--diagnose'

Safari Technology Preview

Apple 提供了其浏览器的开发版本 — Safari Technology Preview


    options = webdriver.safari.options.Options()
    options.use_technology_preview = True
    service = webdriver.safari.service.Service(
        executable_path='/Applications/Safari Technology Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/safaridriver'
    driver = webdriver.Safari(options=options, service=service)